NSAIDs put you at Risk for Heart Flutters Most of us think nothing of taking an Advil or Aleve for those aches or pains that show up regularly. These …
Living in the winter wonderland that is Toronto, we spend a large portion of our year covered up. This means that we likely aren’t getting enough vitamin D. Where …
What is text neck? Look around. You can probably see it right now. Someone is hunched over their phone, messaging with friends or checking out their twitter/instagram/facebook. So let’s …
Finally, we’re starting to actually build and not just tear down. Steel beams are being put into place and lots of lumber is making its’ way into the building.
Click the link ‘Another pic’
This is a very exciting time at Back2Life Chiropractic. We are currently renovating our new home at 1232 Dufferin St. I will periodically give updates about progress and the …